RediFlow is a world-class water main renewal system, that combines Interflow’s exclusive Titeflow® H112 and patented INFRASTOP® technologies. By integrating these products into one synergistic process, Interflow is providing its customers and the community with an ‘all-in-one’ package for renewing ageing water main pipeline infrastructure.
Traditional shutdowns using network valves are disruptive, impacting hundreds of customers at any one time. The Infrastop component within the RediFlow system can greatly reduce the number of impacted homes by isolating only those pipeline sections specific to the works being carried out. Interflow’s Titeflow process then installs a new tight fit HDPE pipe into the host pipe, restoring its structural integrity.
Interflow’s Manager – Emerging Markets, Will Zillmann played a pivotal role in the development of the RediFlow system. He shares how it can be leveraged to streamline processes in the field.
“The RediFlow system is specifically designed for optimum construction efficiency,” he said.
“It provides asset owners with a robust solution to suit the conditions of the host pipe and provides a range of environmental and social benefits for our customers and their communities.”
“The solution goes beyond the performance boundaries. It improves installation speed, reduces community impacts, and enhances the environmental sustainability of the works being conducted,” he continued.
The implementation of Interflow’s RediFlow system on-site has already begun, with several successful installs to date.
With its quality-assured material components and streamlined application, RediFlow gives asset owners the highest level of confidence that it will service the growing needs of the community for generations to come.